December 20, 2010

Dec. 2010 - Special packing protection against corrosion for Expansion Joints.

Dec. 2010 - Special packing protection against corrosion for Expansion Joints.
Dec. 2010 - Special packing protection against corrosion for Expansion Joints.
The Expansion Joints for the new F-100 Frigates for the Royal Australian Navy have been packed and protected against corrosion with a high tech system that keep Expansion Joints from corroding during transport and during storage for up to 20 years. The system, which is widely used in Aeronautics, Aerospace and Automotive industry, consists of high surface area copper particles which are chemically and permanently fixed into and onto the polymer structure of the product. If your Expansion Joints require a special protection against corrosion, oxidation, solderability, etc. and aging for very long term storage periods or will be kept in places where higher concentration and levels of damaging elements are present in the atmosphere please let us know it.