Expansion Joints with 2 ply testable and monitored bellows for North European Refinery
successfully designed, manufactured, tested and delivered Universal Tied MWL DN
750 and Hinged MWP DN 700 & 600 Expansion Joints with 2 ply testable and
monitored bellows for North European Refinery.
In 2-ply testable bellows each ply is designed for the full operating conditions. If a hole or stress crack develops in the inner ply during service, the outer ply takes over without exposing operators to increased risk or creating the need for an unscheduled shutdown. The annular space between plies can be monitored for leakage to detect a ply failure. This will serve as a warning of an imminent problem. A pressure device in the outer ply alerts about the inner ply failure. The 2-ply testable bellows also allows inspectors to pressure test the inner and outer ply during shutdowns. There are several types of devices used for monitoring the 2 ply testable bellows from simple pressure gauges to electronic devices and can be categorized as Active and Passive Monitors.
In 2-ply testable bellows each ply is designed for the full operating conditions. If a hole or stress crack develops in the inner ply during service, the outer ply takes over without exposing operators to increased risk or creating the need for an unscheduled shutdown. The annular space between plies can be monitored for leakage to detect a ply failure. This will serve as a warning of an imminent problem. A pressure device in the outer ply alerts about the inner ply failure. The 2-ply testable bellows also allows inspectors to pressure test the inner and outer ply during shutdowns. There are several types of devices used for monitoring the 2 ply testable bellows from simple pressure gauges to electronic devices and can be categorized as Active and Passive Monitors.