Hi-Tech In-Line Pressure Balanced Expansion Joint for one the world's largest chemical producers located in the north of Europe
We have successfully completed the design, manufacturing and testing of Hi-Tech In-Line Pressure Balanced Expansion Joint for one the world's largest chemical producers located in the north of Europe.
A pressure balanced expansion joint accommodates axial and lateral movements and counteracts the bellows pressure thrust. An additional bellows is incorporated into the unit and is subject to the line pressure to generate a force equal and opposite to that on the main bellows. Tying these bellows together neutralises the pressure load on the unit.
Main mechanical design, parameters and features of the expansion joint supplied are:
In-Line Pressure Balanced Expansion Joint MPB-I Series
- DN 1900 mm
- Length 4900 mm
- Multiply Bellows in AISI 321H (1.4878)
- Leak detector ports in each bellows
- All piping in AISI 321H (1.4878)
- Design pressure 0,5 barg
- Design temperature +565 ºC
- Medium: SO2 / SO3 process gas