May 27, 2020

High Tech Rubber Expansion Joints for the Rabigh III Independent Water Project in Saudi Arabia, one of the world’s largest SWRO Desalination Projects

High Tech Rubber Expansion Joints for the Rabigh III Independent Water Project in Saudi Arabia, one of the world’s largest SWRO Desalination Projects
High Tech Rubber Expansion Joints for the Rabigh III Independent Water Project in Saudi Arabia, one of the world’s largest SWRO Desalination Projects

Rabigh-3 IWP which will generate 600,000 m³/day – making it one of the largest SWRO desalination projects in the world to be built in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

This desalination plant will ensure the supply of drinking water to the cities of Makkah Al-Mokarramah, Jeddah and Mastorah, which will provide this resource to approximately three million people.

MACOGA has been awarded the design, fabrication, testing and delivery of a high pressure In-Line Pressure Balanced Expansion Joint, DN700 for 25 bar design pressure and a set of MAC-FT Series DN400 moulded Expansion Joints.