January 8, 2021

Middle East Oil Refinery awarded MACOGA with the On-Site Inspection of all FCCU Expansion Joints

Middle East Oil Refinery awarded MACOGA with the On-Site Inspection of all FCCU Expansion Joints
Middle East Oil Refinery awarded MACOGA with the On-Site Inspection of all FCCU Expansion Joints
Middle East Oil Refinery awarded MACOGA with the On-Site Inspection of all FCCU Expansion Joints

Our on-site team has successfully completed an on-site inspection of all FCCU expansion joints installed at an oil refinery in the Middle East.

We provided the client with in-depth analysis and visual inspection of all the FCCU Expansion Joints (in hot conditions). Our staff collected all monitoring data and operating schedules available from the facility to aid in the analysis.

The report of the inspection, in advanced to the next turnaround, will assist plant personnel in determining if new expansion joints or revamping are required, the design features of new or replacement expansion joints as well as provide guidance in the handling, storage, installation, and inspection of these types of joints in the refinery.

MACOGA on-site staff can provide you:

  • Installation guidance for new FCCU Expansion Joints
  • Inspection in cold conditions (plant shutdown)
  • Inspection in hot conditions (plant in operation)
  • Periodical Inspections
  • Maintenance and refurbishment
  • Problem resolution
  • Immediate response to site inspections needs
  • Quick-turn expansion joint replacement during shutdowns and turnarounds