Rubber Expansion Joints for Al Jubail SWRO Desalination Plant in Saudi Arabia
We provide customized Expansion Joints for all processes related to drinking water supply, desalination systems, wastewater treatment, etc.
On this occasion we have received an order for the design, manufacture and testing of a large number of MAC-FT, MAC-FT and MAC-W Rubber Expansion Joints for the Al Jubail II Seawater Reverse Osmosis Plant (SWRO) in Saudi Arabia.
Key features
Design codes:
- Pressure Equipment Directive PED 97/23/EC.
- FSA (Fluid Sealing Association) Non-Metallic Expansion Joints Division.
- ASTM F1123 - 87(2010) Standard Specification for Non-Metallic Expansion Joints.
MAC-FT, MAC-FT2 and MAC-W Series
Sizes from DN 20 up to DN 2700
EPDM DW (Drinking Water) and EPDM with nylon fabric internal reinforcement. WRAS Approved certificate for rubber to be used for articles in contact with potable water.
With embedded steel Vacuum Rings.
Desalinated water users are mainly the Middle East countries (Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar and Bahrain), which uses around 70% of the global capacity.
MACOGA is a global leader manufacturer of Rubber Expansion Joints and offers a complete range of Expansion Joints for any desalination application.
All our Expansion Joints combine the latest technologies with decades of industry expertise in all areas of water management.