Expansion Joints for Alamitos Energy Center, Long Beach, CA., USA.
We have completed the engineering, manufacturing, testing and shipping of 14 units Lateral and Hinged Expansion Joints DN2 500 and a large Dog Bone DN 6500 for the Alamitos Energy Center in California, USA.
Recent changes to California environmental law require power plants to significantly reduce the use of ocean water for cooling. This provides an opportunity to ensure a cleaner, more reliable energy future by replacing an existing plant with a modern natural gas power plant that is more efficient and responsive to California’s electricity needs.
AES Alamitos can ensure a cleaner, more reliable energy future by replacing our existing plant with a modernized natural gas facility that is more efficient and responsive to California’s electricity needs.
The Alamitos Energy Center (AEC) will be a natural gas-fired, combined cycle, air-cooled power plant with the capacity to power millions of homes and businesses.