MACOGA Expansion Joints for Geothermal Power in Kenya
MACOGA has completed the detailed engineering, manufacturing and testing of two units Reinforced units MRR Series DN 1200 for 25.5 bar design pressure.
The system involves the use of reinforcement or equalizing rings located around the outside of the convolution thus preventing the bellows being forced out of shape due to the high pressures.
Equalizing and Reinforcing Rings are devices used on some expansion joints fitting snugly in the roots of the convolutions. The primary purpose of these devices is to reinforce the bellows against internal pressure and equalize the movement among all the corrugations.
The Olkaria III Power Station first started operation in 2000 with a generation capacity of 13MW. In January 2009, new infrastructure was installed, adding another 35 megawatts to the plant's capacity. Later 36 Megawatts production capacity was installed. The third-generation unit at Olkaria III, with capacity of 26 Megawatts was commissioned in 2014, bringing total capacity at the plant to 110 Megawatts. The fourth-generation unit, with capacity of 29 Megawatts is bringing a total capacity at the plant to 139 Megawatts.