May 6, 2022

Successful Supervision of Installation of FCC Expansion Joints in Indonesia

Successful Supervision of Installation of FCC Expansion Joints in Indonesia
Successful Supervision of Installation of FCC Expansion Joints in Indonesia
Successful Supervision of Installation of FCC Expansion Joints in Indonesia

We provide installation supervision to ensure that the Expansion Joints are installed correctly, running smooth and trouble-free from the very beginning.

Our client, the Indonesian State Oil Company, in addition to awarding us the contract for the design and manufacture of all the FCC Expansion Joints for the 2022 turnaround, contracted us to supervise the assembly of these units at the plant.

A team of two of our skilled FCC Expansion Joint engineers travelled to Indonesia and successfully supervised the installation of all the units.

Having our experts on site at the critical stage of installation ensures a safe, trouble-free start-up.

MACOGA provides expert assistance when and where you need it.